Stella Stathi M.A.

Leading sex expert Stella Stathi

For me, there is nothing sexier than someone who is connected to – and trusting of – the flow of energy inside their bodies.


We collaborated with Stella on our *NEW* Body Confidence programme. Find it on the App.


Stella Stathi M.A., is a qualified and experienced Jungian/Somatic Psychotherapist and Coach, Womxn’s Eating Psychology Body-Image specialist, and Embodiment Teacher.

She holds a Master of Arts in Jungian Psychotherapy, professional qualifications in Somati Movement Therapy & Coaching, and has been trained in a variety of healing modalities.

What type of clients do you work with?

I work with womxn who struggle with food and body-image issues to help them go beneath the surface so they can discover and heal the root causes of their difficulties. The aim is for them to experience true freedom around food and restore a naturally intimate and loving relationship with their bodies.

How long have you been working in the field?

I’ve spent the last 8 years specialising in this field and working with people around the world. I do sessions over the Internet as well as in person in London.

What are some of your career highlights?

I am the creator of Body Prema™: The Psychospiritual Path to Food & Body Freedom, which is a transformational and holistic approach to the treatment of food and body-image issues. Drawing on three principle domains, Body Prema brings together Jungian Psychology, Embodiment and Earth-based Spirituality. I am also the creator of the Chakras, Food & Body™ model and body of work.

Why do you do what you do?

My deep passion for this work was ignited by my personal experience of healing from long-term eating disorders and body-image issues in my late teens. When I realised that living free from food fear and body shame was actually possible and found my own way out, there was nothing I desired more than to share my experience – and subsequent professional knowledge – with other womxn who are facing a similar struggle.

What is one sex myth you would like to bust?

A sex myth I would like to bust is that sex is all about technique and that we need to be ‘perfect’ at it. For me, it is a beautiful opportunity to get out of our minds and be fully present in our bodies, to tune into our senses and follow our instincts, and to experiment and play. There is nothing sexier than someone who is connected to – and trusting of – the flow of energy inside their bodies. In this sense, it’s much more about surrender and moment-to-moment exploration of what feels good in the body than about following step-by-step instructions designed to achieve a specific outcome.

Why do you think sexual wellness is having a moment? / Why is sexual wellness important to you?

Sexuality is such an important and core part of our lives as human beings. It has also been a big taboo for centuries, and as a result, many of us – especially womxn – have been disconnected from our sexual nature, made afraid or ashamed of it, or are just simply confused. I believe that we’ve hit a point, where we are beginning to understand that we cannot continue to talk about wellness while excluding sexual wellness just like we cannot continue to talk about mental/emotional health while excluding the body.

At this particular moment in time, especially for womxn, the sexual wellness movement is rising amidst the greater womxn’s liberation movement. This is encouraging us to reclaim our rights to our bodies, ourselves and our choices, to take responsibility for our pleasure and wellbeing, and to define identity, happiness and success for ourselves, from the inside out.

Where can we find you?

Facebook: Priestessing the body

Instagram: @priestessingthebody

